Friday, July 1, 2011

Falling off the Fourth Estate Wagon

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me Now.
(Villains excepted of course)

As you know, my Villainous colleagues, heroes lurking, and passers by, One has been struggling with attaining that evolved state of Evil being - a member of the Fourth Estate - "Villainy for Villains".  Oh, so easy for some - the White Skull and "Transmissions from the Damocles", Computer King and Overlord - content celebrating Villainy, Agent Wraith and his "Mind Games with Agent Wraith" BlogTalk Radio Show, and even Agent Beryllium and her Art Appreciation and Social Commentary. But Oneself? Nothing! And worse, One has sunk back into the "sandbox" of hero beating. One is like an alcoholic trying to dry out, who keeps sneaking back into the liquor cabinet.

Some of One's recent failings for which One must apologize for;

Calling Seattle superheroes "hairless manchildren".

Burying the New York Reavers in their own abundant stupidity.

Pointing out the appropriate age for playing superheroes is less than 12.

Drawing attention to the issue of superhero drinking problems.

Laughing - Laughing! at the fact that superheroes must have "powers" to be super, while Villains do not.

Pointing out how ridiculous superheroes would actually be - if they existed.

Laughing at the ridiculous craziness of superheroes.

And Frightening Night Owl, Revealing Tothian's Secret, and Making England unhappy with me.

Evolution in Villainy appears to be a process, and One is struggling. Ah well, if it was easy being a Villain, it wouldn't be nearly as rewarding. The victories hard fought for and won all the sweeter. One hopes other Villains enjoy better success, but can see how hard it can be to be our more Evil selves.

Recovering heroaholic,
-Lord Malignance


  1. One mustn't give up hero-hating altogether to achieve the forth estate, as I understand it. As long as heroes don't rule your existance, it is fine to make the occasional blatant assault.

  2. Mad Blackguard,

    Agree. It seems to be not to much of one or the other. One however relies too much on hero beating, and it limits One's opportunities for growth. It's an art, being Villains, and takes time and effort - but the rewards! The rewards are SO enriching.

    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance
